Our Process

ThincLab Canterbury specializes in providing bespoke support tailored to the unique challenges faced by startups and early-stage companies, guiding them towards sustainable growth.

Continuous Iteration

fostering innovation and collaboration

Embracing a philosophy of continual improvement, ThincLab Canterbury fosters frequent engagement with its clients. Our support spans strategic advice on crucial aspects like product-market validation and go-to-market strategy, as well as tactical assistance with refining sales propositions and investor pitches.

Journey Companionship

Understanding the practical and cultural hurdles of venturing into new markets, the ThincLab Canterbury team commits to accompanying founders throughout their journey. We offer ongoing support in areas where it’s most needed, ensuring a collaborative approach to overcoming obstacles.

Symbiotic Relationship

At ThincLab Canterbury, founders and advisors cultivate a symbiotic relationship characterized by high expectations and mutual support. We thrive on the challenge of scaling businesses, actively engaging in difficult conversations that often lead to breakthroughs.

International Expertise

With a focus on fostering a global mindset, ThincLab Canterbury assists companies in expanding their horizons professionally and personally. Our team challenges the ambition levels of our clients, drawing upon international expertise to facilitate growth.

Global and Local Networks

Benefitting from extensive international business experience, our advisors possess deep networks both globally and locally. Leveraging these connections is instrumental in enhancing the visibility of our businesses and accessing opportunities that may otherwise remain elusive.

Global ThincLab Network

As part of the global ThincLab network, with offices in Australia, Singapore, and France, ThincLab Canterbury provides access to a wealth of resources and expertise on an international scale, further enriching the support available to our clients.